Waiting Waiting Waiting

Hello Everyone, xx
Doing the interview for the pilot TV show at the Austin Hospital (for family in the UK you may like to look at the hospital website http://www.austin.org.au) - has made me realise what fun it is to communicate and have a forum for one's views! The TV crew wanted to film me as a patient on the various machines in Radiation Oncology and they have HUGE ones!!!! The Radiologists (?) were very professional and kind and it was all easy to do...ie hopping on and off the machines... then I had an patient meeting filmed with the Professor who is looking after my case, then I was asked to have an interview taking about being a patient etc. I talked about being sick so suddenly and the losses one goes through, the support required to face harsh (and life saving treatments) like Chemo and the struggle to emerge into the world again. I did enjoy doing it - and felt happy to contribute to the show. I wonder if it will go to air? It is going to be on Channel Ten and I will get a DVD of it all even if it doesn't go to air...

This is me and my friend Crispo! It was taken at my 50th in September in Sydney. I've spoken to him once since then and I miss him! I do still miss friends from Sydney (like Cripso) and it is hard when one moves city and starts again...and I find I miss Crispo, Liz, Lynley and Wend as well as dear Vitto at the the Piccolo cafe in Elizaabeth Street, that I used to go to every day in Kings Cross. Perhaps this is a good sign - that I am starting to 'look out' at the world again - and want so much to be a part of it, rather than looking inwards and coping with health issues. So the title of my Blog this week is Waiting !!! Not-so- patiently for life to begin again - and I'm thankful that I am still here.

Love to all, Sarah xx